Street view of new build homes

About us

We build homes, let, improve, and maintain them. We don’t simply want to make a difference to our tenants and their communities – we want to solve the housing crisis too. To help us, we build homes for sale, reinvesting any profit we make where it’s needed most - we call it profit for purpose.

What we do

We give our people the freedom to try new things and do whatever they need, to solve problems in doing what’s right for our tenants. After all, we know that great people doing great things delivers outstanding customer service. But we know we can do more.

There is an acute housing crisis. Above average and inconsistent property prices, too few homes for local needs, ageing housing stock and an ageing population are all tough challenges to crack. By spending money wisely, improving relentlessly and working together in partnership with other businesses, housing associations and local authorities, we can fulfil our vision. As Flagship we can make a difference, but together we can solve the housing crisis.

Flagship strategy summary bubbles
Street view of row of houses

Our structure

Flagship has over 33,000 homes and is financially strong. We’re structured in a way that allows us to have the biggest impact towards solving the housing crisis.

We're made up of housing, repairs, and gas subsidiaries, along with our own homelessness charity. We call it a federated structure.


Our strong financial performance is reflected by our Moody’s credit rating of A2 and our financial viability rating of V2, given by the Regulator of Social Housing. Their confidence in our strategy and financial viability supports us to fulfil our vision of solving the housing crisis.

Our board

We're part of Bromford Flagship. Our Board sets our strategic priorities, monitors performance, and ensures we deliver on our commitments. The Board also oversees our governance, ensuring we meet our financial, legal, and statutory responsibilities while driving our social purpose, vision and values. 


Our procurement activities are bound by both our own Financial Regulations and the Procurement Act (PA 2023) & associated Procurement Regulations, to ensure equal treatment in tendering for new contracts. Tender opportunities above PA 2023 threshold are advertised on the UK Government 'Find a Tender' website.

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Join our team

At Flagship, you’ll be surrounded by great people who are doing great things. Our people have the freedom to try new things and do whatever they need to solve problems. Because we know that our people are the key to us solving the housing crisis.